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Rich Escallier offers prompt, professional,
efficient, and reasonably-priced solutions
to home repairs and remodeling.


The Portage Park Handyman

Rich Escallier, a former longtime Portage Park resident and recently retired home handyman who got his start in 1978, has a broad range of skills, including indoor/ outdoor repairs and improvements. Rich has over 25 years of experience in the home repair field. As a former owner of several apartment buildings, he is largely self-taught, learning the ins and outs of repairing and refurbishing buildings since 1978.

Rich has taught home repair and maintenance classes since 2006 as part of adult continuing education programs at the City Colleges of Chicago.

His most extensive remodeling job was completed on his previous residence, a more than 100-year-old Portage Park home he refurbished from top to bottom, including building a second story addition.


Disclaimer: Portage Park Handyman is not liable for any accidents or losses caused by information on this website.

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Last updated: 8 Sepember 2022

Design: M. Pollock
Copyright: Richard Escallier 2006